How To Fall In Love (ordering details)
How it works:
1. You ship your head to us
2. Noyes strings your head and we ship it back to you
3. You will receive your own head back with a hand strung traditional mesh by Noyes (similar to the traditional mesh pictured).
What to expect:
The traditional mesh will be strung using Noyes's "double sidewall" technique. Only the highest quality leathers are used that are specifically sourced for their durability, thickness and stiffness. Noyes then treats his leathers with a special conditioning oil to enhance its durability. White nylon is strung for sidewalls and cross lace. Three laced shooting strings will be included as well. To give you a head start, a mid-depth pocket will be strung into it, allowing you to shape your traditional pocket however wanted- high, low, shallow or deep. A note on how to care for your traditional mesh will also be included. The only thing you need to provide is love and respect for the game.

How to order:
Cost: The cost is $60 per traditional mesh which includes return shipping within the Continental US. Payment can be made via PayPal or Zelle to Noyes@TraditionalLax.com If you wish to pay by check, please submit an email for further instruction.
Ship your head to the address provided (do not ship head with shaft or an additional fee will apply):
Traditional Lax
2050 Newcombe Dr.
Lakewood, CO 80215
Be sure to include a return address and contact information (phone/email address). Upon receiving your head we will correspond directly regarding delivery date. The typical return time is 2 weeks from the day of receipt but is dependent on the current number of requests Noyes has for stringing at that time.
Have a special request? Let us know what it is and we will see what we can do for you.